Getting Started

Are you new to woodturning and wondering where to start…?

JOIN US at our next meeting!

And check out the American Association of Woodturners.

As Wood Turns Ornament Challenge

2024 Ornament Challenge hosted by

Create your ornament(s). Submit a picture with your info by November. Receive Sponsor Bonus Discounts.

Details at:

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be Sunday October 20th at 1:30 pm. We will meet at Tom Stauder’s house. Please bring your “Show-n-tell” items to share with everyone. Bring your safety glasses and a chair to sit on. The program will be on making a hollow Christmas ornament maybe with some piercing hollowing by Rich Hoeppner. Remember, our November 17th program will be an in person demonstration by Jeff Hornung.

Tom’s address is:
4779 E Turkey Trail Dr
Columbia MO 65201-3107

Hands-On Turning

We will have a hands-on turning session at Ernest’s house on Thursday October 17th at 6:00 pm. Bring your tools, small lathes, blanks, safety glasses as well as folks interested in turning. Please park on the curb side of the street. If possible, let Ernest know if you are attending so plenty of blanks can be prepared!

305 W Parkway Dr
Columbia, MO 65203-3452