Mid-Missouri Woodturners

Learn to Turn


Large Red Oak Blanks Available

Ernest has a large 40” diameter red oak log that can be harvested for blanks. If you would like some large platter, bowl, or serving tray blanks – this log is for you. He will start cutting it up this Saturday November 23rd at 1 pm. Bring your saw or Ernest can use his to harvest the blanks that you would like. See photo. It is located in the park across from my house. Please park on the curb side of the street. If you are coming, please let me know.

Hands-On Turning

We will have a hands-on turning session at Ernest’s house on Thursday December 12th at 6:00 pm. Bring your tools, small lathes, blanks, safety glasses as well as folks interested in turning. Please park on the curb side of the street. Let Ernest know if you are attending so plenty of blanks can be prepared!

305 W Parkway Dr
Columbia, MO 65203-3452

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be Sunday December 15th at 1:30 pm. We will meet at Tom Stauder’s house. Please bring your “Show-n-tell” items to share with everyone. Bring your safety glasses and a chair to sit on. The program will be turning a platter.

Tom’s address is:
4779 E Turkey Trail Dr
Columbia MO 65201-3107

Getting Started

Are you new to woodturning and wondering where to start…?

JOIN US at our next meeting!

And check out the American Association of Woodturners.

What We Do

Regular club meetings, featuring a demonstration, show-n-tell, attendance raffles and shop talk are held on the third Sunday of each month.  Additionally, hands-on turning sessions are scheduled whenever possible.

Live Demonstrations

At our monthly meetings, we see live sessions on particular techniques and projects, delivered by an experienced turner. Several times a year we invite a nationally known turner to provide the demos.


Members are encouraged to bring their latest projects to the monthly meetings and describe what they’ve been working on. Sometimes this is to get help from the group on a problem; many times it provides inspiration and oohs and aahs.

Hands-On Turning

Scheduled throughout the year include hands-on turning sessions at a friend-of-the-club location, equipped with several midi-lathes, to introduce newer turners to the activity and provide practical guidance from seasoned turners.

Shop Talk

Our in-person meetings always include helpful discussion from all experience levels. This could include topics like wood sources and identification, turning techniques, tools and sharpening and our favorite jigs.